The largest rail network in Japan, J. Kyushu, in partnering with P. Ltd is a game-changer for NFT adoption in Japan.

12 May 2023, 18:12
🚊 The largest rail network in Japan, J.R. Kyushu, in partnering with P.R.O. Co. Ltd is a game-changer for NFT adoption in Japan! With 330 Million people riding the railway annually, the project can potentially reach massive adoption! 🌟 With the project set to launch in July 2023! πŸ— J.R. Kyushu's NFT project aims to provide visitors with unique memorabilia and proof of riding while using their railway! πŸ”₯ This week, you can take a sneak peek at their free NFTs distributed during the Tokyo Blockchain Expo! 🌟 Quote from Sota Watanabe, Founder of Astar Network. "We’re excited to see more real-life use cases of enterprises exploring and leveraging NFTs to build closer relationships with their customers and provide new value. We look forward to supporting PRO Japan and JR Kyushu in their endeavor." Read the full story here: