We are proud to announce @everyone that Astar Network was named Product of the Year at this year's JBA Annual Blockchain Awards.

23 Dec 2022, 14:04
✨ We are proud to announce @everyone that Astar Network was named Product of the Year at this year's JBA Annual Blockchain Awards! Not only did Astar win an award, Sota Watanabe, the founder of Astar Network, was also awarded the Person of the Year Award for the 2nd time in a row! Sota Watanabe shares his thoughts: "We are delighted to have been recognized by the Japanese Web3 community. As Japan's leading blockchain project, we remain committed to accelerating Web3 innovation through Astar. In 2023 and beyond, we will leverage our presence in Japan to unlock opportunities for entrepreneurs, developers, and users alike" Check out the full article here - ⛄️ To wrap up the year we are ending 2022 with an Astar Community Call with special announcements from the man himself Sota Watanabe! So don't miss it, set those ⏰ reminders, and we will see you soon! 👋 Astar Community Call of 2022 - Like and Retweet -