With the year ending, we wanted to recap @AstarNetwork's 1st anniversary with highlights from Sota Watanabe, CEO of Astar Networ

31 Dec 2022, 01:13
✨With the year ending, we wanted to recap @AstarNetwork's 1st anniversary with 🌟 highlights from Sota Watanabe, CEO of Astar Network, each department's past accomplishments, and what they are looking forward to in 2023! 📖 Read the full details on everyone's highlights in our medium. 🧵👇 ✨A message from Sota Watanabe, CEO of Astar Network - "There are many things I am proud of in 2022." Astar became a Parachain Onboarded 70 projects on Astar What to look forward to 2023: Q1 Full support of #Wasm Smart Contracts Q2 Recognized as the chain of Japan Proud moments from the Developers: Light Client Implementation First #Parachain to support WASM Smart Contracts on Mainnet What to look forward to 2023: Ink! 4.0 Live More #WASM Showcase dApps Proud moments from Marketing: NTT Docomo & Astar Partnership Fukuoka City joins #Astar Japan Lab What to look forward to 2023: #LATAM events Cross-Parachain campaigns Proud moments from Business development team: Improved documentation Japan's most recognized L1 blockchains What to look forward to 2023: Create developer hubs Bootstrapping WASM dApps The team has put a lot of ❤️ heart into building Astar's future, and we look forward to 2023. We want to thank the community for supporting us and taking the time to continue building! Happy New Years! Read the Full story here - Like and Retweet -